Phrasal verbler, İngilizce dilinde sıkça kullanılan ve genellikle karmaşık bir yapıya sahip olan önemli bir konudur. Bu web sitesi, öğrencilerin bu karmaşıklığı aşmalarına ve phrasal verbleri daha etkili bir şekilde kullanmalarına yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kapsamlı açıklamalar, örnek cümleler ve pratik egzersizlerle dolu içeriğimiz sayesinde, phrasal verbleri anlamak ve kullanmak artık çok daha kolay olacak. İngilizce dil becerilerinizi geliştirmek ve günlük iletişimde daha doğal bir şekilde konuşmak için bu kaynağı keşfedin!

phrasal verbs
Phrasal VerbTürkçe Anlamı Örnek Cümle
keep from kendini tutmak, engellemek I couldn’t keep from smiling when she told me what she’d done.
settle downsakinleşmek, uslanmak, yerleşmek He quickly settled down in his new house.
use uptüketmek don’t use up all the milk we need some for breakfast.
watch out dikkat etmek Watch out for thieves around here.
clear up çözümlemek, aydınlanmak He wanted to clear up some problems about his girlfriend.
go away çekip gitmek, defolmak They went away for holiday.
stand for temsil etmek,desteklemek The four smal stars on the flag stand for the social classes of the Chinese society.
close down kapatmak Several research institutions were closed down for lack of fund.
cross off Listeden çıkartmakThey crossed off the names of the people who had not come to the party.
cut down on Kısmak, azaltmak I’m trying to cut down on alcohol.
call offİptal etmek The party was called off by the prime minister.
do over tekrar yapmak, örtmek If ı had the chance to do it over, ı would have hired a secretary.
fill in doldurmak, forum doldurmak Please fill in the form with your name and surname.
get along (with)Birisi ile geçinmek It’s impossible to get along with her mother.
let in içeriye girmesine izin vermek Don’t let anybody in I’ll back in 30 minutes.
narrow down daraltmak, sınırlandırmak Ahmet narrowed the choices down to two subjects.
figure outBir problemi anlamak veya çözmekI can’t figure out how to solve this math problem.
eat outBir restoranda yemek yemekWhen I lived in Turkey, I used to eat out all the time.
call backBirisini geri aramakI’ll call you back when I’ve heard something.
aim atHedeflemekThe magazine is aimed at popular people.
believe inİnanmak, güvenmekDifferent people believe in different things, but there is only one truth.
get aheadiş hayatında ilerlemekI want to get ahaead in my career.
hand outDağıtmakWould you please hand out the books to the teenager?
join inkatılmakI will join in a gigantic party.
name afterİsmini vermekAhmet was named after his father.
pass awayÖlmekAlice’s terribly upset because her grandmother passed away two days ago.
run out ofBir şeyi tamamen tüketmekBy now the car was running out of fuel.
work outantrenman yapmak, hesaplamakI try to work out twice a month.
care forBakmak, hoşlanmakAlexandr moved back home to care for his elderly dog.
drop outOkulu veya kursu bırakmakVeli had dropped out of High School.