Welcome to your Writing Test

Boşlukları Yukarıda Verilen Uygun Kelimeler ile Doldurunuz. ( Fill in the blank test)

Dear Marta,

I’m to tell you about my family. I live with my brother, my mum, and my dad. We live Lincoln, a nice city in the East Midlands region of England.

My name is Frank. He’s 51 years old, and he’s History teacher. He’s medium height, and he short grey hair and green eyes. He loves books and watching documentaries about prehistoric times. He doesn’t like sports.

My mum’s name is Melissa. She’s 49 years old. She’s a little shorter my dad, and she’s got long brown hair and blue eyes. She is a shop owner. She sells beauty products in a shop near our home. She swimming. She goes swimming a week.

I’ve got a twin brother. name’s Luke. He’s 21 years old, and he’s got brown hair, like me. But he is much  than me. He is very big and strong, and he loves playing rugby and going to the gym.

Another very important member of our family is Cooper, our dog. He is ten years old, and we love him!

What about your family?

